The Van De Van Theatre of the Air Presents:

Dare To Be Stupid IIIa

The Heartbreak of Pstupidity
A Radio Drama of Agonizing Acts 
Scene 4:   
Narrator: And they're off ... First to hit paydirt are Boom-Boom and Shingles at the Army Base. They're following up on Louise's tip with Major Barrie M. Ceres, MD:
Barrie: OK, boys, what are you after?
Shingles:  Well, Major Ceres, we're investigating a disappearance that may be connected with the Glutamoto Clinic. We were hoping you could fill in some background on them for us.
That's one bad place, boys. That Glutamoto is a quack in my book; our soldiers have been having a lot of trouble over there. Yessir, a whole lot of GI troubles at the Glutamoto clinic, boys. If you're snooping around those guys, be sure to watch your backs.
Boom-Boom: Don't we know it, sister, that's one weird place! Thanks for your help.
Barrie:  No sweat, fellows. If you boys can get that Glutamoto character to lay off bothering our fighting men, I know I'll sleep better at night ... and so will they!
Shingles:  Leave it to us, Doc, when you've got Bolt, Shingles, and Boom-Boom on the case, you might as well sit back, relax, and watch the results roll in, right, Boom-Boom?
Boom-Boom:  You said a mouthful, brother, but I think you meant Bolt, Boom-Boom, and Shingles are on the job. Now we'd better vamoose before the Doc here throws us out. I'm sure she's got better things to do than to talk to a couple of private eyes about soldiers with upset stomachs.
Barrie: Well, not really.
Shingles: Thanks, sister. We'll keep in touch. 
 copyright by Charlie Van Becelaere, administered by Grand Teuton Press, all rights reserved
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